events past
I feel honoured to have participated in and attended wonderful events and gatherings of beautiful Souls coming together for co.creating connection, global community, loving interactions, and a more intricate, penetrating weave of solidarity amongst the Collective.
Wherever I may be, I enjoy sharing my gifts of intuition and heightened energetic sensitivity, insights and knowledge I've acquired as "channelled" perception or as personal experience throughout my life, and deep expression of reverence and solidarity for All that Is.
Everywhere I present, I silently transmit loving intentions for All. At events and gatherings, I share what others are more consciously choosing to be receptive to.
If you're interested in booking Daniela for one of your events, please email answers [ @ ] energeticsofconsciousness [ dot ] com.
Click each image below to magnify.

On October 30th, the Groove Community welcomes to TREAT yourself & join our Private Halloween Ecstatic Dance Costume Party. This will be our first indoor event of the year in collaboration with Grow Wellness! { https://growwellnesscenter.ca/ }

on March 8th we honour the Divine Feminine for all the gifts this force bestows upon us ... for many generations, certain societies have collectively disrespected, neglected and in many ways also abused the feminine aspects of our dualized existence ... on #InternationalWomensDay we can reflect on the lessons we learned from generational patterns of mistreatment toward women and bring forth a new way of honouring, integrating, and embodying the feminine essence ...

expand your consciousness & broaden your perspectives of your blessed life experience! Modern Knowledge 2015 Canada Tour brings forth a phenomenal group of pioneers who have been changing the world & how people think, believe, perceive, & create their lives! come listen to paradigm shifting knowledge that will literally transform your life

On October 30th, the Groove Community welcomes to TREAT yourself & join our Private Halloween Ecstatic Dance Costume Party. This will be our first indoor event of the year in collaboration with Grow Wellness! { https://growwellnesscenter.ca/ }