how to use the online booking system
For New Clients
If you haven’t yet had a session with Daniela and/or if you have not yet submitted an Intake Form, please follow the steps outlined on this page.
For Returning Clients
If you’ve already had one or more sessions with Daniela and you have already, at some point, submitted an Intake Form, please visit the Online Booking System directly.
How to Book a Session in the Calendar
1. Go to the Online Booking System.
2. Select the appropriate category of the type of session you’d like to book. Options include:
Medical & Energy Intuition (Live Readings)
Energy Medicine
Children & Youth
*Note that there is a menu just above the list of session options that classifies the different types of sessions offered. The menu is a little faint and small, and unfortunately I don’t have the freedom to change this format in the calendar app.
3. Click on the session you’d like to book. This will bring you to the calendar page. You can select a weekly view or monthly view to explore availability.
4. Once you’ve selected the date and time that suit you best, click on "Pay Now". This link will take you to a pop up window where you'll have the option to pay through the website via credit card or PayPal, or to "Pay In Person".
Select “Pay In Person” if:
You’ve already sent payment to us prior to booking your session online.
You want to pay for your session via electronic bank transfer (sent to answers { at } energeticsofconsciousness { dot } com), PayPal transfer (PayPalMe), or cryptocurrency.
You’re booking a session that has been gifted to you or that is part of a package (see below for booking sessions that are part of a package)
5. Make your payment either through the website or through your preferred method. We'll keep track of matching your payment to your booking.
6. Please follow up your booking with an email notifying us of any details regarding your payment that aren’t obvious or self explanatory (for example, answers to security questions for bank e-transfers, booking a session that was gifted to you and paid for by someone else, and/or if you’ve booked your session using one name and you’ve sent payment using a different name).
You will receive an automated email confirmation for your session immediately upon having booked it. 24 hours prior to your appointment, you will receive an automated email reminder of your session time.
Please note that the same Terms and Conditions of Use, Payment Policy and Cancellation Policy apply to all sessions.
Any bookings made online that aren't paid for within 48 hours will be automatically deleted from our system.
If you’re having any difficulties with the scheduling process or with the use of the online calendar, please feel free to contact us. We will happily guide you through the process.
Log In or Create an Account
You have the option to create an account so that you can keep track of your booked sessions. Click “Log In” at the top right corner of the calendar page. To create a new account, click “Sign Up”. If you’ve already signed up to access the Blog, you can use the same credentials for the Online Calendar.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.
To Book the PrePaid Package of Energy Clearing & Rejuvenation Sessions
This package must be prepaid in a single payment. However, each session must be individually booked. You can book these all at once or individually over a period of time.
The entire package must be scheduled within 12 months of purchase. For the sessions to be most effective, it’s recommended that you schedule each less than 3 months apart.