privacy policy
We deeply respect and protect your privacy.
By using this website (www.energeticsofconsciousness.com), signing up or subscribing to Daniela's email list, and/or by scheduling an appointment with Daniela, you signify your assent to the following Privacy Policy. If you do not fully understand and agree to all the following terms, do not use this website or schedule an appointment with Daniela. You are liable for your decision.
Daniela is legally represented by earth, moon & sun energetics (federally incorporated as Earth, Moon and Sun Herbals, Inc. and herein referred to as emse). emse may revise and update this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice. Your continued usage of the emse Website (or "the Site") and/or continued scheduling of sessions with Daniela will expressly evidence that you accept those changes.
i. All personal information you submit through this website (including the Client Intake Form, Contact Form, and payment information), via email correspondence, and/or to Daniela during scheduled appointments or correspondence outside of scheduled appointments is strictly confidential and will be shared with no other party without your express written consent.
ii. Any contact information you share to sign up for Daniela's email list, website subscription, workshop attendance, and/or webinar enrolment will be kept strictly confidential and not shared with any other third parties without your express written consent.
iii. By signing up for Daniela's email list, website subscription, workshop attendance, and/or webinar enrolment, you agree to receive from emse occasional correspondence by email and/or text messaging to inform you of events, promotional offers, courses, publications, and/or affiliate offerings.
iv. Daniela records the audio of every session and the audio file is kept in a highly secure database accessed only by Daniela. This audio recording is confidential and all matters relating to you, your child, your animal friend and/or any other person discussed will not be shared with any other party without your express written consent. Teachings and general wisdom channeled through Daniela and shared with you in session may may be used for educational purposes by Daniela at her discretion in the form of, and not exclusive to, published works, video, seminars, workshops, courses, and/or social media posts. Your identity will remain anonymous unless you authorize disclosure. Under all conditions, all information shared by Daniela remains the legal copyright of Daniela and emse unless the content is expressly attributed to arise from another source.
v. Sessions of Energy Clearing & Rejuvenation are video recorded for Daniela's records and client database. Short clips of select sessions may be published publicly through Daniela's online social media accounts, including but not limited to, YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo. Client identity is protected through censoring of recognizable features. If you prefer to not have your session recorded or published, please notify Daniela at the start of your session.
vi. Payment information submitted through PayPal and/or Stripe remains protected by the legalities and policies of PayPal, Inc. and/or Stripe, respectively. Credit card information shared with Daniela or any of her hired assistants is used at the point of sale and then immediately destroyed. It is not stored for future transactions.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us directly.
Please read the full Terms & Conditions of Use here.